Could your blood type hold the key to happiness?

Could your blood type hold the key to happiness?. Could your blood type really hold the key to happiness?

According to the Japanese your blood group reveals so much about your personality that it is now being used routinely by dating agencies as a guide to compatibility.

The theory has found a following in America where dieters eat according to their blood type and apparently lose weight as a result. Naturopathic physician Dr Peter D'Adamo believes different foods have different effects depending on your blood type.

So if you are blood type A you should be largely vegetarian, follow a high carbohydrate low fat diet, engage in gentle exercise and meditate to deal with stress.

His book Eat Right 4 Your Type is a best seller and recently singer Martine McCutcheon, admitted that she had tried it and has never felt better.

The star, who had been dogged by illness, followed the diet and began selecting foods according to her blood type, and the results said Martine, were 'spectacular.'

In the UK unless you are a donor you probably don't know what your blood group is, but in Japan everyone knows their blood type and they want to know yours.

This preoccupation with blood types is engrained in Japanese popular culture and people use it to identify matches in jobs, friendships and love.

Products are marketed to cater to the different blood types, including condoms, which are sold with a note inside warning that participants should disclose their blood type, to see whether they are compatible, before engaging in sex.

There are two conflicting views on how best to choose your ideal partner. Some are of the belief that the most successful relationships are forged between couples who have the same blood type, but others say that 'opposites attract' and love can be equally good for mixed blood type couplings.

But is this all just mumbo jumbo or is there scientific proof to support the Japanese theory?

Blood groups were first discovered at the end of the last century as a result of research into why some blood transfusions failed.

The debate began in Japan in the late 1920s when German doctors used blood type to support distorted theories that the European race was racially superior.

In 1927, Japanese lecturer Furukawa Takeji published the first of a series of articles entitled 'The Study of Temperament Through Blood Type' in a journal of psychological research.

His thesis was a combination of scientific concepts and methods of character analysis. Furukawa's theory quickly gained acceptance among the general public as one of the wonders of modern science.

Popular interest in the connection between blood types and personality re-emerged in 1971 when journalist Nomi Mashahiko wrote 'What Blood Types Reveal About Compatibility'. The book is now in its 240th print run.

British psychotherapist John Rowan, is sceptical about the Japanese claims, 'There are lots of different personalities, and to try and reduce the number to three or four doesn't seem like a good idea,' he said.

Adding: 'I think it is a mistake to think that a person has just one personality. They have different personalities for different situations.

'For example, imagine that you are talking to your five-year-old child and in the next situation talking to the bank manager. You will switch into a different personality with a different set of procedures.

'What you do find is that these systems do work for some people and not others but to apply it to everyone is over optimistic.'

In the late 90s blood types were used for the basis of a diet book by Dr D'Adamo. In it he states that following a blood type diet can help you to stay healthy, live longer and achieve your ideal weight.

The philosophy behind the diet began with D'Adamo's father, also a naturopathic physician, who had worked in various European spas and noticed that some of his patients did well on vegetarian and low fat diets, while others in fact got worse.

He began blood-typing his patients and discovered that type O patients thrived on meat and protein-heavy diets and aerobic workouts, while type As did better if they ate soya proteins, combined with more gentle activities such as yoga and t'ai chi.

According to the scenario set out in the book, O groups were the first to evolve about 50,000 years ago, when humans were hunter-gatherers and were eating a fairly carnivorous diet. Nowadays Os are found everywhere, but they are especially common among Africans and American Indians.

Next to appear were the As, whose diet was more vegetarian. Today many Japanese and western Europeans are As.

Then came Bs - now most common among eastern Europeans, east Indians, northern Chinese and Koreans, who began as cattle herders and are now highly tolerant of dairy products.

The most recent arrivals are the ABs - the 'modern diet blood group', who can tolerate a wide range of food types.

Dietician Renee Chawla, has similar reservations about the blood type diet: 'Our message is that food should be fun. It is important to have a varied healthy diet,' she said.

Adding: 'Being a vegetarian is a choice either because of ethical reasons, the individual doesn't like meat, or for health reasons.

'It just doesn't work along the lines that if you are this type you must eat this type of food. People are all different and respond to foods in different ways.' ( )

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